“Butterfly,” a song written for Transformations by Maria | Image Consultant & Life Coach based in Houston, Texas

This song is very special to me, and encapsulates the entire idea behind Transformations by Maria. It was written for all of you, and gives you a glimpse into the process of transforming — inside and out — while finding your GPS (Great Personal Style). This is the transformation that will take place with the three winners of the GPS Transformation contest, as well as others who call me to begin their transformations.

These are my words and feelings, which were given to Joanie Hendricks. She used her songwriting talents to write this beautiful song, then played it on her ukelele to accompany Laura’s lovely voice. I’m blessed to be able to get my message out through their talents. Please enjoy!

3 thoughts on ““Butterfly,” a song written for Transformations by Maria | Image Consultant & Life Coach based in Houston, Texas”

  1. I am so ready and excited about this opportunity. It isn’t everyday that someone offers you confidence and self esteem in a bottle. I can not wait to write the next chapter in my life and look forward to what God has planned for me. It is funny how when your ready God truly opens door at just the right time. I pray that Maria receives all the blessings she deserves for giving of herself to help others.

  2. Ladies, the song is wonderful! Such thoughtful words, the open and resonating voice…. congratulations to each of you. Maria, you do such great work. I will continue to recommend you without reservation to people I care about. All the best on your emerging adventures!

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